Tuesday, July 31, 2012

It's been a while....

Wow!  Where do I start?
Last time I blogged was January 2011!
     Okay well the biggest news of all: WE ARE EXPECTING!!! Our sweet little bundle is due around Thanksgiving time this year.  It is definitely something to be thankful for.  We are having a little baby girl and couldn't be happier.  We had been trying for about three years.  Fertility treatments, medications and still nothing.  Finally, one day I turned to Daniel out of the blue and stated that I was done with the doctor visits.  The poking and prodding and labs and tests.  I was starting to feel like a pin cushion!  We both agreed that we weren't going to do any more of these tests and that God will bless us with a child when we were ready, in His time... Not ours.  We figured that if we didn't have our own by the time we were thirty, we would start looking into adoption.  Well, six months later, of no stress and just being us, we became pregnant!
     It was kind of funny how it all happened.  We were getting ready for church one Sunday morning in March and we were surprisingly ready early for once.  We decided to go to Starbucks to pick up some coffee because I LOVE my caffeine.  On the way back, maybe a mile from our house, I started feel insanely nauseated.  We had to go back to our house because I was feeling I was going to vomit.  I turned to Daniel in the car and said, "Maybe I'm pregnant."  His response: "Maybe."  As we had had this conversation so many times and I had taken so many tests, it was a natural 'not getting our hopes up' response.  So we went home, I didn't vomit but after a few minutes felt better enough to go to church.
     I didn't think about it for most of the day.  We just did our normal thing around the house.  Around the afternoon, I needed to use the restroom.  I figured I would just take a test but I knew the results.  It was going to be negative.  Daniel had just started vacuuming the house.  I was washing my hands and looked down to see something I had never seen before...  The test said PREGNANT!  I was so used to the tests saying NOT in front of that I didn't know if my eyes were playing tricks on me.  I SCREAMED at the top of my lungs for Daniel to come to me.  He must have thought I had fallen in the toilet!  I was shaking and pointed to the test.  He looked, got a huge grin on his face and said, "Congratulations mommy."  I started bawling then.  Thanking God and hugging my wonderful husband.  I couldn't believe it.  I had NEVER had a positive test before.  I of course took about four or five more within the next few days just to make sure. :)
     As of right now, I am 23 weeks and 5 days along in this pregnancy.  We found out a week or so ago that we are having a baby girl.  We are beyond ecstatic!  We are so happy to be making room in our little house for a little person.  I know that she is definitely going to be a daddy's girl.  Daniel is going to be an amazing father and I am so blessed to have such a wonderful man in my life and to guide our child toward the right path.  Our baby girl and I are so blessed to have him in our lives.
     Other than that amazing news in our lives:  I worked at a retail store from May 2011 to July 2012.  I am going to school full time right now and the job plus school on top of being pregnant was getting to me.  Too much!  I will be earning my BA in Social Sciences in October 2012 which is just a few weeks before baby is due.  Excellent timing! 
     Daniel is working like a mad man as usual.  He just came home from a eleven week deployment so we are happy to be a family all together again.  Our dogs are spoiled rotten as usual.  They are so happy that their dad is back!
     We will be having visitors soon down here in California!  My oldest sister, Devonne, her husband and their two boys are coming to visit at the end of August.  We are so excited to have them come down here and see new and different things.  I am already planning on San Fran and Napa.  I am going to be DD of course. :) Right after Devonne and her family head home, at the beginning of September, my dad and step-mom are moving from Washington to Arizona.  So a definite pit stop at the Denmans is a must.  At the very end of September, Daniel and I are driving to Washington to visit family and friends.  Devonne is throwing a huge baby shower for us which I am so excited about.  She is the crafty artsy fartsy one in the family so I know she is going to make it amazing!  Once we get home, my good friend in California, is going to throw me another baby shower.  We are definitely blessed to have so many people wanting to celebrate this little one with us.
     Our lives are so full of amazing people and love that I can't believe it sometimes.  We are so amazed at the outpouring love that each of you have given us throughout the years.  We love you all and are so blessed to know you.  Thank you!
-Love always, Emma

Wednesday, January 26, 2011


Well since it has been over a month since my last blog, I figured I should update you guys.
I just recently got my wisdom teeth out.  On the 20th.  I was so nervous about being put under sedadation. Turns out, it is delightful!  Here is a picture of my face just a few days ago.
I am still swollen and brusied and have become a hermit and a recluse the last week but getting better day by day. :)
Well, praying my face is back to normal within a week or so.  And eating normal foods because I am dying for Red Robin lately.
One good thing about this surgery, I have lost five pounds. :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Mexico & new puppies

So I haven't been on here in about two months... I suppose it is time to update what is going on in the Denman household. :)
Daniel was home for Thanksgiving this year which was wonderful!  My favorite holiday.  We invited great friends over to enjoy the feast. Although I do not have those pictures yet, I do have pictures of the table which I am quite proud of.

Then December 2nd through the 9th, we were in Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.  We went down to meet up with my oldest sister, Devonne, and her family along with family friends of theirs.
Delish margaritas that made me muy muy tipsy!

Downtown PV

In the infinite pool... looking right into the ocean


Right when we landed back at SFO, I of course turned my phone on and got a message from my dear friend, Cathy, saying that we were going to the free Kid Rock concert that was on base the next day.  Sounded wonderful to me!  Here are some great pictures from the concert.  BTW, we were so close to him, we could see his stubble! :)

I have not the biggest fan of Kid Rock but his love and loyalty to the troops is so wonderful.  He was thanking us for everything we do.  It is nice to hear that once and awhile.

A few days back and Daniel and I couldn't stand it any longer.  We NEED to go find a little playmate for our Tater bug.  He had been so lonely since our sweet little Beanie passed away this June.  We miss Beans SO much and no other dog could take the place of him but we have so much love to share!  We went down to the SPCA in Vacaville and found the new love of our lives. Now introducing:

Chipotle aka Chips, Chip, Chip-a-doodle, Chipper, Chippy, Chips Ahoy.. We haven't found the PERFECT nickname for him yet.

Now we have our potato themed animals here, Tater Tot and Chip, in their new winter attire. :)

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Europe Trip 2010

Well we have been back from Germany for about two or three days and I am finally feeling back to normal (no more jet lag!).

So we decided to try out Space A to get to either Ramstein or Spangdahlem, Germany.  We left the 4th of Oct from Travis AFB and caught a hop to Norfolk, Virginia on a C-17.  That is the first time that I have flown on Daniel's plane and it was a smooth ride.  Once we got to Norfolk around 1 or 2am East Coast time.  We realized that there wasn't any flights that we really wanted to go on or close to where we wanted to go.  Daniel started talking to some retirees that were on our flight over to VA and we decided to rent a van with them and drive about 4 hours to Dover AFB, Delaware.  That was an experience.  So only $66 together we made it from California to Delaware.  Once we got to Delaware, we decided since there wasn't any flights straight to Germany, we would just jump on the flight to Rota, Spain just so we could at least get to Europe.  We flew on a C-5 to Spain.  It wasn't too bad of a flight but at this point we were just exhausted!  Once we got to Spain it was about 5am their time and there wasn't a possible flight to Germany until around 4pm.  We decided to get a room at their Navy Lodge on base just to sleep for a few hours and get a shower.  It was the best $75 we ever spent! Once we got on our FINAL flight to Ramstein AFB, Germany on a C-130 I was exciting! Finally we landed in Germany on the 6th of October.  It was about a 30 hour trip to get there.  All in all, it cost us $141 to get to Europe and it was definitely worth it.

Once we got a few hours of sleep, we were ready to get out and about and explore some more... places we didn't get to go last time we were there.  We went to Trier (LOVE THAT TOWN!), Bitburg, Ramstein, Wittlich, Cologne, but best of all AMSTERDAM!  That town is wonderful! Erin and I took a tour of Anne Frank's house (Secret Annex) which was one of the best experiences of my life.  We also went to the Van Gogh Museum there.  I didn't think I was going to enjoy it that much but it was really interesting.  And I got to see my favorite painting in person which was cool. 
Our trip was so much fun and we were soo happy to be able to see our friends, the Tacbases and most of the Rileys.  Amy was in the States and flew back the day we flew home. :( I got to see her this summer though so I can't complain too much. :) 

All in all, it was an amazing trip and we are hoping to be able to go back very soon!

Wednesday, September 22, 2010


So I just finished watching the movie, "Julie and Julia", about a woman with nothing exciting in her life until she starts cooking all the recipes from Julia Child's cookbook and it started me thinking.  I am 24.5 years old and do nothing  I don't have any drive for anything.  I have the fleeting thoughts of "oh sure, I could do that" or "maybe I'll try that." but nothing concrete that I am running out the door to apply for that job or go back to school.  It's frustrating when you know are here on this Earth for a purpose but you just don't know what it is. Or rather, you aren't trying to figure out what it is.  I have the luxury to stay at home and be a 'homemaker' if I choose but with no children it isn't very fun or maybe just busy. The ceiling I keep knocking my head against is fear. Fear of the unknown. Fear of getting out there and doing something. I always thought, growing up, that I would get married and have babies. Nothing exhiliarating like wanting to become a movie star, or engineer, I just wanted to be a wife and a mother.  And with one of those goals accomplish some 4 years ago and not ready for parenthood, I don't know what to do.  I have an amazing husband who loves me unconditionally and supports me in everything I do.  I quit my fulltime job in May of this year because of the crazy environment and people I worked with and wanted to take some time off and what did he say about it. "Whatever makes you happy." Whatever makes me happy.  I now am at the point where I need to start doing something or I am going to lose my mind sitting at home.  My goal is to get another job by the end of the year.  I am praying that I will be put into the right position at the right time and it is something that I will have an interest in.  I cannot sit at home watching Law and Order and knit all day.  I am not 80! :)  I will find something that I would like to do and interest me. That is my vow.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Washington Part II

The second part of our Washington trip was as much fun as the first half.  On the 8th of September we went to Graham and spent the night at one of our McChord friend's house and met her fiance for the first time which is a good thing seeing as I am a bridesmaid in their November 2011 wedding. :) 
On the 9th of September we spent the night at Daniel's parents' house which was nice to spend some time with them.
From the night of the 10th to the afternoon of the 11th we were in Seattle with the Jones/Mullen family and Jamie came along to spend time with us too.  We went to Red Mill for dinner and had the most amazing burger I have ever had.  Then we went to get delish ice cream at Molly Moons (Theo Chocolate).  After that we went to Kate's Pub for a few beers and some pool.  Um.. I suck at pool.  In the morning we went to Portage Bay Cafe which is an all organic and local products.  It was so delish!
After breakfast we went to our friend, Zach's house for some college football (super boring to me but Daniel had fun) and then had dinner that night at Daniel's older brother with his wife and our two cute nephews, Timmy and Nathan. Daniel bought them Legos and it was fun crawling around the floor with them.  They are very sweet young boys.  That night we spent at Daniel's parents' house again and stayed up a little while watching Wheel of Fortune (one of his dad's nightly rountines!).
We left the next morning on the 13th and drove 3.5 hours away to my best friend from Jr High and High School, Naomi in Gresham, OR.  Daniel made an amazing homemade dinner of spaghetti, garlic bread and a salad.  Her 2 year old son and husband were there and once Noah (her son) warmed up to me, I got to play with him.  He was so sweet and so cute saying things in English and Spanish (his dad is from Peru).
The morning came too soon and we headed out for a ten hour drive.  It wasn't too bad but I just don't like being in the car that long.  We got home last night around 6pm.  With a shower and a quick snack, I hit the hay and slept soundly until 8:30 this morning.  Pure bliss sleeping in our own bed again.
Thank you to everyone who put us up in their homes and who put up with us. :o)  We love you all!

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Oh Washington, how I love thee.. let me count the ways

Daniel and I have been in Washington since the second of September and have had so much fun so far. From the 2nd to the 6th we were in Yakima at my sister, Kelley's house.  All of my sisters and their little families came over to Yakima to have our first annual sister gathering,  There was 4 kids, 5 sisters, and 3 brothers in law.  We ate, drank and were merry.  A very cold slip-n-slide one day, game night and a surprise birthday party for our oldest sister for her 30th.  It was so much fun and cannot wait for the next one.  Hopefully everyone can come down to California to us. :o)
The last couple of days we have been at Devonne's.  I always spend so much money when I am here because of the nephews and shopping with Devonne is alllllwwwaayyyyyssss fun but once again so much money!  I love it!
The next couple of days are filled with friends and more family. Cannot wait!